
Alexander Valley Union School District welcomes you to our community. We hope to make the enrollment process as easy as possible for both students and parents, and are available to answer all of your questions. To find out more about our school enrollment deadlines, please email us at info@alexandervalleyusd.org.

Enrollment Procedure

To enroll, parents and guardians should fill out our ‘Intent to Enroll Form’   Once we have received your form, you will hear back about our enrollment status.  Once we have verified space in your student’s grade level, a registration link will be emailed to you. For more information, please call 707-433-1375 or visit our front office during school hours.

Once you have received the registration link and filled out all required information, please take the time to review your completed registration and bring original documents for photocopying. The Education Code indicates that evidence of birth may be provided in the form of a birth record, birth certificate, baptism certificate, passport, or affidavit of the parent, guardian, or custodian of the minor. One of these above items, as well as immunizations, are needed to enroll.

Alexander Valley School has registration timelines for our residents and for students who reside outside the district boundaries.

Interdistrict Student Placement Approval and Denials are based upon the following:

• Approval based on space availability
• Denial based on grade level and/or specialized program are at capacity
• Revoked or Rescinded based on violation of Behavior and/or Attendance Agreement

Click here for to check your School District of Residence> County of Sonoma District Lookup

Timeline for 2025-2026 School Year 

December 2– February 7th

Registration is open for new and priority enrollment. For any families out of district, we must receive an Interdistrict Transfer Application from your school of residence on or before February 7, to be included in the lottery. 

February 7th  

Interdistrict Transfer Request Lottery Window Closes

All Interdistrict Transfer Request Applications submitted after February 7th, will be placed at the end of the lottery waitlist.

February Board Meeting (TBD)

Interdistrict Transfer Lottery Held Public Meeting:

Student placement status identified through random lottery drawing. Wait list established for Interdistrict students not securing a class placement in a class section over 16 students

AVS Lottery Order

Priority Registration: Resident students and siblings of students currently attending Alexander Valley School, and the children of AVUSD Employees.

RESIDENTS: Automatically enrolled

Lottery Group 1: Siblings/District Employee

Group 1 Definitions:

Siblings: Brother or sister of a student currently attending Alexander Valley School

District Employee: Children of parent who are currently employed by AVUSD

Lottery Group 2: Nonresident students of Alumni and Property Owners

Group 2 Definitions:

Alumni: Children of a Parent or Grandparent that once attended AVUSD

Property Owners: Children of a parent that owns property within district boundary

Lottery Group 3: Works in the District

Group 3 Definitions:

Works within School District Boundaries: Child of a parent who works within the school district  boundary 10 more more hours per week at time of lottery

Lottery Group 4: Transfer students

Post Lottery or Late transfer Interdistrict applicant requests will be placed in the last spot on the Lottery Wait List at each grade level requested. This will result in the student being placed at the end of the transfer class section wait list.

*IMPORTANT NOTE: As a reminder, with class sizes established at 16 students, transfer student placement can shift pending a resident student wishing to enroll between now July 1, 2025.

The Transfer Wait List does not take priority over students living within the school boundaries.  Resident students of AVS will be enrolled with a completed application packet.

Reasons as to why AVS would cancel an approved transfer:

  • Parents neglect to respond to approved transfer prior to school starting.
  • Parent neglects to submit a written explanation or document requested by the school.

Appeal Process:

  • Submit Interdistrict Attendance Appeal and Request for Hearing within 10 calendar days of denial to the
  • Meet with AVS Superintendent for discussion. Appeal submitted to Sonoma County Office of Education Superintendent’s office.

For more information regarding the AVS Interdistrict Transfer Process, Board approved policy, and other Interdistrict related forms, please visit our district website: www.alexandervalleyusd.org

If you have additional questions regarding the AVS Interdistrict Transfer Process, please contact Tina Moore tmoore@alexandervalleyusd.org or Kim Bernard kbernard@alexandervalleyusd.org.

Kindergarten Enrollment

Your child will need an oral exam, as well as all immunizations being up-to-date or in the process of being completed by the first day of school.

The immunizations required are as follows:

DPT/DT- 5 doses, 4 if the last was after their 4th birthday.
Polio- 4 doses, but 3 doses if the last was after their 4th birthday.
MMR- 2 doses both after their 1st birthday.
Hepatitus B- 3 doses

Varicella (Chicken Pox) – 2 doses

Parents and guardians can pick up enrollment forms at the school office or please go to our Enrollment Page for a printable version. While on the Enrollment page, scroll towards the bottom and select the “Ready to Apply” section in yellow to download the documents   For more information, please call 707-433-1375 or visit our front office during school hours. The Education Code indicates that evidence of birth may be provided in the form of a birth record, birth certificate, baptism certificate, passport, or affidavit of the parent, guardian, or custodian of the minor. One of these above items, as well as immunizations, are needed to enroll. Copies will not be accepted.

The Oral Exam should be completed by your family dentist. Please return completed forms to the school office prior to the first day of school.

If you have any questions please call the school office between 8:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m. at 707-433-1375. Keep in mind that school offices will be open on a very limited basis for summer. Parents are encouraged to submit their registration as soon as possible to avoid delays.