Welcome to AVS

Parent, Teachers, Pupil

Parents Club

Advisory council


We continue to experience tremendous growth in technology for both students and staff at AVS. We have a robust digital infrastructure with both wired and wireless networks. Our internet bandwidth is segmented into student, staff, and visitor networks. We have chromebooks or iPads for every student at AVS. Each student has a personal Google account allowing them the free-flow of information between student and teacher. Our network features internal limitations that protect our kids from the uncertainties and dangers of unrestricted access to the world wide web.

Teachers work directly with students on teaching age appropriate computer skills with student. The internet is available in all of the classrooms. Use of the internet is contingent upon parents and students signing a contract specifying terms and conditions.

The school is part of the Sonoma County Office of Education Telecommunications Consortium. Among the benefits provided by this consortium are greater security for students, access to additional educational resources, and technological support.