Oct 6, 2020
Dear AVS Parents & Guardians,
This week we have a few calendar items to share with our families. Over the next few days our Teachers will be meeting with Parents during our annual Parent/Teacher Conferences. Despite all the challenges our students, parents, and staff have had to manage this year, we continue to see bright spots in our students and their learning. This year more than any other, the partnership between home and school is absolutely critical to the success of our students. Your help in ensuring your child is zoom “ready to learn” as well as fostering individual responsibility on making sure your child attends their courses and completes his/her assignments has been evident. Over the next few days, Parent/Teacher Conferences plan to include the following: discuss your child’s progress, share your child’s strengths and needs, and continue to work in partnership to help your child do well in school.
Picture Day coming to AVS on Wednesday, October 21st from 1-5pm!
Picture Day is going to look a little different this year and will be taking place in a socially distanced format in the AVS parking lot. To ensure a balanced traffic flow of interested families/students wishing to take part in picture day, we have designed the following schedule below. Please stay tuned for more details coming your way soon re: picture day.

Halloween will be here before you know it and together, in working with AVSPC, we have a couple of fun things planned. Friday, October 30th is a scheduled pick/up and drop off day. On this day, from 12-1pm the AVS staff will be dressed up and standing curbside to see our students and provide them with a special treat from AVSPC. We understand not everyone can make this event, so we have also scheduled a Halloween Zoom Dance Party form 3:15-4:15pm that same afternoon. It will be great to see our students in their costumes at both events! More details to come!
Mr. Reno