Wellness Plan

Alexander Valley Union School District - School Wellness Plan

The Alexander Valley School District Board of Trustees recognizes its responsibility to provide a healthy learning environment by supporting wellness, good nutrition and regular physical activity as outlined in the Alexander Valley School LCAP Goal 3.

LCAP Goal 3
In a joint partnership with parents, students will remain engaged, present, and healthy in their day to day learning at school which will lead to an overall increase in student wellness, physical fitness, and attendance.

This Alexander Valley School Wellness Plan was created with mindful contributions from the following staff members: AVS Food Services Lead, AVS Physical Education Lead, Garden & Nutrition Lead, Alliance Health and Wellness Community Team Lead, Certificated Teacher, and District Administrator Lead.

The plan promotes life-long wellness behaviors, and links healthy nutrition and exercise to students’ overall physical well-being. Healthy eating behaviors and regular physical activity are essential for students to achieve their full academic and life potential.

This School Wellness Plan also supports employee life-long wellness behaviors, linking healthy nutrition and exercise to overall health, job performance and a positive work environment. Specifically, AVS shall strive to accomplish the following physical activity and nutrition education.

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January 2025