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Coronavirus-COVID-19 Updates

Updated January 2, 2024 

As guidance changes from the originally posted and approved COVID-19 Safety Plan, we will document these changes below. These changes will supersede any references in the COVID-19 Safety Plan. 2022-2023 Update

AVUSD follows the CDPH Testing Framework as our testing plan.

(Click here for details)


All confirmed positive COVID-19 incidents related to Alexander Valley Union School District will be posted to this page. For the purposes of this dashboard, AVUSD is distinguishing between school-based cases and community-based cases. Starting in December, we will have two separate columns for every month in the table below:

  • “S.B.” School-Based cases:

​a. school-based cases will potentially impact individuals’ health and wellness at our school or office because there may be site-related exposure OR a positive case was on campus during an infectious period
b. a school-based case MAY cause classroom closure or other precautionary measures
c. we will follow the Sonoma County Office of Education Decision Tree and Guidelines around isolating and notifying close contacts, as needed

  • Known “C.B.” Community-Based cases:

a. community-based cases DO NOT impact individuals’ health and wellness at our school or office because no one at the site was in close contact with the positive individual during the infectious period. Per the CDC definition, this means no one at the site was within 6 feet of the infected person for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period starting from 2 days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic patients, 2 days prior to test specimen collection) until the time the patient was isolated
b. this dashboard will include all known community-based cases related to PUSD; this dashboard may not reflect all community-based cases involving our staff and students because PUSD relies on notification from public health or self-reporting from staff or families
c. we will follow the Sonoma County Office of Education Decision Tree and Guidelines around isolating the positive case, as needed

The Dashboard is updated at least once a week and when we are notified of confirmed cases.

*Important Note: AVUSD does not wait to notify close contacts upon initial report of a positive case. However, we do wait for official confirmation from the public health department before listing the case on this dashboard. This could result in a delay of cases appearing on this dashboard or a discrepancy between the number of notifications received and actual number of confirmed cases (when the case is not confirmed positive by public health).

Number of students & staff on campus**Jun-Sep '20 S.B.Oct '20 S.B.Nov '20 S.B.Dec '20 S.B.Dec '20 S.B.Dec '20 C.B.Jan '21 S.B.Jan '21 C.B.

Once schools reopen, schools are not required to close again if the county sees an increase in case rates or positive testing percentages. However, individual school closure is recommended based on the number of cases, the percentage of the teacher/students/staff that are positive for COVID-19, and following consultation with the local health officer. Individual school closure may occur when there are multiple cases in multiple cohorts at a school or when at least 5% of the total number of teachers/student/ staff are cases within a 14-day period. A superintendent should close a school district if 25% or more of schools in a district have closed due to COVID-19 within 14 days, and in consultation with the local public health officer.


AVUSD strives to maintain all health and safety protocols at our school campuses. While we know that there will a learning curve for all of our students and staff, please let us know of any repeated or prolonged instances of non-compliance to our established guidelines, and we will bring this to the appropriate school or department administrator’s attention.